Hanuman Chalisa real story

Hanuman Chalisa real story

The real story of Hanuman Chalisa

Real story of hanuman chalisa

Composition of Chalisa

How was Hanuman Chalisa composed?

Hanuman Chalisa was composed by Goswami Tulsidas ji and it was not composed in any ashram or court. Hanuman Chalisa was written in the prison of Mughal Emperor Akbar. Here we tell you about his story.

Hanuman Chalisa means 40 verses written in praise of Hanuman, a devotee of Lord Rama. Hanuman Chalisa is very popular in Hindu households and there are many who recite it daily.

People believe that by reciting Hanuman Chalisa, the troubles of Hanuman ji go away. You too must have recited or heard or read Hanuman Chalisa sometime. But, very few people know the story of Hanuman Chalisa.

Hanuman Chalisa was composed by Goswami Tulsidas ji and it was not composed in any ashram or court. Tulsidas ji was kept in the prison of Mughal Emperor Akbar.

You may be surprised to know this, but this story is prevalent regarding the creation of Hanuman Chalisa. It is believed that Tulsidas ji composed it in Akbar's prison and Akbar was also stunned to see what happened next.

In such a situation, do you know what is this story and how Tulsidas ji reached Akbar's court and how it was composed?

What is the story?

Goswami Tulsidas is said to have been inspired to write the Hanuman Chalisa during the imprisonment of the Mughal Emperor Akbar. The story became popular that once the Mughal emperor Akbar called Tulsidas ji to his kingdom and when Tulsidas was asked by the court to write some texts in praise of Akbar, he refused to do so. After this Akbar made him a prisoner.

While some stories say that Tulsidas ji asked him to perform some miracles, as he had heard about him. Mythologist Devdutt Patnaik also told a similar story at some forums. The story goes that after that Tulsidas was imprisoned for a long time. During this, he wrote Hanuman Chalisa in jail.

It is said that after reciting the Hanuman Chalisa several times, monkeys suddenly attacked Akbar's palace complex and the city and when Akbar came to know of this, he ordered Tulsidas to be released.

It is said that at that time only by reciting Hanuman Chalisa continuously, his troubles were removed. It also has the line 'Sankat Kate Meete Sab Pira Jo Sumire Hanumat Balbira' in Hanuman Chalisa. That is, by reciting it 100 times, one gets freedom from every crisis. In such a situation, it is said that Hanuman composed the Chalisa only after Tulsidas Ji’s Imprisonment.

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